Cover Released: Go Set a Watchmen


Cover Release

Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee


Dear my beloved readers,

As you may have gathered from my previous “Top 10 books of 2014” posts, To Kill a Mockingbird was one of my favourite reads. Originally, To Kill a Mockingbird was thought to be a standalone novel, but that is not true. Harper Lee has only recently announced that there is going to be a sequel, which is called Go Set a Watchmen. Its sequel is of course, one of my most highly anticipated books of 2015. 😉

On top of that, the cover has been revealed!!!!!

Without further ado, here is the cover…

One of the covers of “Go Set a Watchman”

Of course, there are many different editions for almost every book. With the different editions, comes another spectacular cover. Here is another one for Go Set a Watchman:

Aren’t they both beautiful??? BRB fangirling.

I really recommend you read the first book in this series, To Kill a Mockingbird. But be warned though, not everyone adores TKAM as much as I do 😉




Go Set a Watchman is expected to be published on July 14th, 2015.

The version of this book released by publishing company Harper will have 304 pages.