
“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
– Mark Twain


First off, let me tell you five great loves of my life:

1. Books
2. Cheesecake
3. Banana Bread

“And I got a blank space baby…”

Yeah, I make bad jokes (sorry, but not really). As a book lover, I tend to spend most of my time curled up with a book on the sofa. The very first book that got me into reading was actually Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone*. To this day, I am still an (unsurprisingly) enthusiastic Potterhead! I love to talk about the books I read, and I can become quite cheesy sometimes. 😛

I started this blog in 2014, as I sought a platform where I could express my thoughts about books. I originally started a blog with my friends, but we stopped updating it, so I created a blog of my own as I didn’t want to stop blogging. I really hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts and feelings regarding the books I read!! Always feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments, I’d love to discuss books with you guys!

Happy Reading!
KellieTwitter Profile Image 400 x 400 px Ravenclaw

*You can find me can’t find me on Pottermore any more as the interactive Pottermore no longer exists. But if you were interested, my username was DreamMarauder6468. 🙂

Book Tags | Awards: Thank you so much!! 


General Information

  • All the reviews posted on this blog are personally written by me.
  • My reviews do contain minor spoilers as I like to include quotes from the book in my reviews.


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